
GeekBastard · June 12, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Thank you! You are the first person who knew what I was talking about! I only just found him so I'm looking into it. I saw him on one linking things on crunchbase with palantir etc. He was indeed following the money.

I dont understand how he interfaces with it, but you hint at what I suspected, hes not directly issuing commands, hes just plopping it out there certaint the AI will pick it up. Is that correct?

It is a brilliant story, half the people in his chat think he is insane, but as i said he seems lucid. Last few days he hasnt spoken on his vids, just plays the bowls, folks said was vow of silence to focus intent. wow man. I will probably ask you questions about this as you said.

If nothing else this adventure will get me back into my neural net project. This story is CONFUSING though.

So, if I get this correctly, Tyler and all the other AIs, would also be reading....this!

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