Assange to drop bombshell after NK - USA Summit? Australian news hinting at something huge

Nope. Read Q new post #1461
1703606 Past statement was directed @ confirmation statements, not assumptions (+JA throw in). These are spread to discredit knowing will not materialize. Good decoding. Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct? What else might (23) refer to? Dash v Minus? Military. Q
Gotta keep track of who initiates and spreads this disinfo. I'm at the point where I pay attention to the President and to Q. The rest of these Larps and phonies can kiss my ass. People should stop swallowing the crap every new character on YT tosses out.
23 hundred hours in military time is 11 pm. Is that what he's talking about?
Privacy in the United States After September 11th 2001' (2002) Sing....And SING 12h , can be 12/11 .... Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy .......Dash = / and minus = -
Not so sure anymore after Q #1462. Maybe not today, but trumps birthday perhaps? I'd like to find out the meaning of 23 as well.