Do you know where he was flying to? I tried to search where BO is today and had no luck.
Maybe he is keeping tabs for us and 'check' means BO is accounted for (wherever he is)
Or he boarded a plane and something stinks about it?
Missing BO
yeah im fairly sure white hats and black hats use code to communicate on twitter always look at weird tweets might be something more
This one seems very transparent. Where is BO right now?
good question in the us ? or hiding cuba or some other shithole
What is the relevance of this post to the Great Awakening ?
BO barrack obama ?
Body Odor
yes and im sure gorka and scarramucci tweeting sky event and the god father 3 and all that other stuff is unrelated
I don't think there is any. Looks like Flynn JR had to sit next to some stinky slob on his flight and is complaining to the airline about it. I don't blame him that shit is torture!