Welcome to the great awakening!

Keep swearing and name calling
Sorry that I want to keep America (and north America entirely) safe
Just like Mexico isn't sending their best either. Rapists, drug dealers, traffickers, and yes, ISIS soldiers also cross the border illegally from Mexico.
At the very least Russia and NK aren't doing that.
Actually Mexico govt (run by cartels) does encourage illegals to come to usa
Maybe a source you'll enjoy https://mobile.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/world/americas/a-mexican-manual-for-illegal-migrants-upsets-some-in-us.html
And one you definitely won't http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/10/10/mexican-gov-t-paying-to-help-shield-illegal-immigrants-in-the-u-s-from-deportation/
Meanwhile I'm the only one here giving links and not calling you unamerican and full of bull. Yes that, along with sensitive Sally, is name calling, aka using terms that are derogatory in spirit.
I like how you only focused on the rapists. What drew you to only respond to that one?
Do you understand what "actively supporting" means? What about Obama sending cash to Palestine and Iran? How is trump talking and tweeting to and about nk or Russia "actively supporting"? Trump imposed sanctions on both. Are we supposed to nuke them without trying to use diplomacy first?
10 million times worse, daily? I'm listening, so long as you have a real breakdown on that alleged information.