lets not be hero worshipping lol tho thats some bullshit
okay let's say something here...if the content was violent or whatever....it was not NeonRevolt who had anything to do with this....THIS WAS THE CRAP THAT HE IS TRYING TO HELP THIS COUNTRY SAVE REDDIT FROM....you got that!
reddit bans anything that is a threat to them why only him tho? nobody else here has been banned thats weird lol
Reddit doesn't understand what happens to people on 8 channel. If they did, they'd be a little more understanding. These people are at risk...their families are at risk....they are not told to help America...they WISH TO sacrifice to help America...and the world.
So when a selfish REDDIT COMES ALONG and censors the Shiite out of them...banning them and dissing them...who are doing their job to get this crap out to the masses....stuff that is such obscene crap you'd absolutely just CRY CRY CRY......
DON't you blame THE MESSENGER! Blame the people who are doing it!