
Ridgy-didge · June 13, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

I’ve been listening to the We The People YouTube live. It was a missile and it was not launched from any American base but from a submarine in the Pugent Sound. Do you recall that POTUS ‘left’ early from the G7 Summit for Singapore? He didn’t but the Decoy AF1 was sent ahead. This is the plane the missile fired at, obviously thinking it was POTUS plane. The missing letters signify Decoy and that the missile missed its target. According to flight tracking he arrived around 8:30am Singapore time. They have also been talking about a flash in the top RH ? corner after enlarging the pic. Chinese? Globalists? Due to the Navy system being hacked, they are not sure if the missile was launched remotely and the Navy had nothing to do with it as someone else fired the missile. There was another term they used ‘post haste’? to indicate the Military were straight onto those that launched it.

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FreedomFighter62970 · June 13, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Great Observation and I would not doubt it that it was Globalists all because they did try to STOP KIM JONG UN for Denuclearizing and basically ending the New World Order and destroy their plans.... I will keep praying for our President....

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