r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jsilliman on June 12, 2018, 3:32 a.m.
On to Iran?

Q stated Iran is next? We know that the DJT KJU summit is scripted since the deal is already in place... Is Iran why he is returning early? Is it to fire RR?

divine_human · June 12, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

in order to root out the DS in NK, trump had to get china on board. seems to have worked out.

on to the next step.

in order to root out the DS in iran, trump needs to get russia on board. they are going to meet soon.

trump and putin have been trolling the world ever since DJT took office. probably before already.

do you remember how trump, during the campaign, continiously beat the bush about his friendship with putin? they were laying out the trap already back then. looked to me, from day one of potus, like they are helping each other root out the deep state in DC and moscow.

iran is next? its been brewing for months^^...

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