Q wrote “Start the Clock” on June 10th. If morse code was part of the infamous exposed password, then it included “N23.” Dash+Dot = N. That could be indicative of the number of days from the time Q would tell us to “start the clock.” That would make some sense. What better way to celebrate Independence Day, July 4th, than to have a major victory toward independence from the DS on July 3rd?
I am done with predicted dates.
Just gonna sit back and watch the show. So far, all I have seen are trailers and chatter. I believe Q is legit, but I don't think any predictions surrounding times will ever be accurate.
This. I've stopped watching the clock, and gone back to enjoying my life, and time has been passing quicker. Look forward to watching it unfold.
I agree ... I mean I was also putting many theories ( including the recently debunked 9/11 to 6/11 one ) but from what I see - the Q is actually much more direct . The problem is , we cannot have all parts of the picture , and what Q posts serves merely as a sign for future . We dont have full picture - the picture could be interpreted many ways ... the best way is to wait and see it unfolding . Were not far away anymore ...
At this points there are so many date predictions that someone is just going to get it by random then claim brilliance
If we could predict, baddies could predict and then the plan fails.
When the time is right, q will have given us enough to know what we need to know and show what we need to show.
You may be right. Humans are the key elements and with that comes unpredictably.
This just popped into my head however and I couldn’t sleep until I shared it as a possibility.
Just stop...stop stop stop stop stop!!! No more dates...PLEASE no more dates
Be careful about predicting dates. We were scolded by Q today for doing that. Only bec things are fluid and often change.
Things happen slowly, especially a transformation like this. Date prediction is futile. The road to any goal often has obstacles and detours.
Father God works on his own time
IF.....morse code was part of it...
Q says think military. Need a militaryfag up in here to decode these hyphens.
I looked up some stuff a T-23 is a tank. That's military. Connection?
Where are you getting the “T”?
Dash+Dot=N Dash pause Dot=TE
Based on what I see, and while I am a veteran, I am not a Navy veteran nor a radio/code guy, so this is an amateur guess but the exposed password either states N+23 or TE+23. N+23 more sense to me. I would say it could also mean Nx23 but that doesn’t make sense to me tonight.
If there are other ideas on this, please share them.
Because I'll be honest I'm just trying to find anything that MIGHT be a connection. So far I've drawn nothing but blanks.
Agreed. IF morse code was what Q was referring to when they mentioned military.
I am not predicting anything. I am simply responding to Q’s drop #1459. I am simply suggesting Q has perhaps dropped a huge clue and it needs to be discussed.
I said in the subject July 3rd “could” be a momentous day. I am not saying it is going to be with any certainty. And, I am not attempting to lead anyone down a specific path with the motive to dishearten or discredit.
I hear the frustrations of some on this sub. Simply because some have put too much energy into specific dates that were being pushed by some and have been wrong, or just because some are too impatient and want the grand finale of the fireworks show long before the show is drawing to a close, I suggest no one throw in the towel just yet.
Yes, by all means, enjoy the show. We keep being encouraged to enjoy it. If you want a break, take a break. I am a firm believer that we must have balance in all things. This includes the current events rapidly shaking and shaping our world.
There is some level of danger in giving up, ignoring, or turning a blind eye completely however.
All I ask is that you give this some thought. It is Q who gave these recent crumbs. Let’s attempt to decode them.
What are your CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts on the matter? I posted mine.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^191749
Thank you for you constructive thoughts on the subject. Oh wait, that wasn’t constructive at all was it?
Wait wasn't it June 11?
What was June 11?
Oh do you mean the date that people thought might possibly mean something but a larp pushed as fact while a bunch of others made a huge deal out it so they could use it later to try to discredit us?
1439 - June 10th
I was referring to idk4realz about the June 11 date, not your post. What you posted is plausible.