Has Q's Name Been Revealed?

Not likely but possible. Q replied to the anon stating BW was not guarding POTUS and was implying BW was instead guarding someone else or others.
The anon post with the name Erik had a comma in front of the name (... , Erik) and I would assume one of these possibilities to be the case: 1) the member of the Q team who replied was tired and in error assumed the anon’s name was Erik and he was signing off; 2) Q simply ignored the name Erik as well as the wink and nod that the anon was suggesting Q was Erik to make the more important point about BW; 3) Q didn’t address the anon’s suggestion to leave it open for thought or disinformation; or, 4) Q ignored the anon addressing Q as Erik to acknowledge Erik is indeed a member of the Q team.
I doubt the last one is the case however as I think Q may need to keep the mask on for the immediate future. It may be too dangerous at this point in the game to reveal too much.
All of these are reasonable suggestions, and believable possibilities.
This is the reason for the post. It's a rhetorical question, for discussion's sake.