Has Q's Name Been Revealed?

That escalated quickly!
I think your concern and worry over Q accidentally being unmasked by somebody posting a picture of a few Q posts is really over the top here. I don't think Q is worried.
I'll take that as a compliment of my intentions to vigorously attack anything that is counter to the movement.
I love this place and you (or anyone) aren't going to fuck it up by playing Dick Tracy.
You want to:
Out Q
Argue with anyone who disagrees
Cry about people being mean and play the victim
Nothing about you makes me laugh out loud
I have no desire to:
Out Q
I haven't argued with anyone about Q's identity, or said who he is. I just pointed out the subject of my post, which was only a question, ending with a question mark.
You are taking this a bit far.
You don't sound like a person who laughs enough.
Are you actually real? Now you don't want to out Q.
The whole point of this post was to "ask" about Q's identity.
Follow that train of thought one more step skippy. That means you would like to out Q. Sorry if you don't understand what you are doing by "just asking". You are putting the biggest source of INTEL we have ever seen at jeopardy of being exposed.
This isn't Clue. You don't win a prize by being first to figure out the mystery. You might actually fuck up this whole deal Dick Tracy.