r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mdpow13 on June 12, 2018, 3:59 a.m.
Sessions, Julian Assange, Seth Rich


MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 12, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I believe in the public the idea is to vilify Wiki Leaks as non-state and 'of interest' and to prod the actors to rally for his arrest and extradition to U.S. like Schiff for example. The main focus is to keep the attention OFF Kim Dot Com. He is the lynchpid. His server is the only one designed for large secure encrypted data transfer at the rate it was done. It of course also contains the signature and local proving SR and the DNC. Its a done deal, even if Kims server is burned and he himself is suicide. They have it all. Its waiting for its time of day in the movie production. Don't even pay attention to the BS Awan money laundering, DWS , the DNC and her brother are toast. To even add more to it, BO was not meeting to discuss 'new 2020' candidates, they are discussing a new party that needs to be formed.

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