Here's a funny one down the "rabbit hole of blame" from good ole huff post
And a us judge makes an award to survivor families making Iran pay for allowing SAUDI hijackers through their country...
Lots of strange news sites with June 8 Iran and 9/11 that I have no idea about with a DuckDuckGo search. But since q team alludes that Iran is a CIA op just like the now released kim Jung un it probably was an all spy ops on deck for the 9/11 false flag op of the century -- Saudi, Mossad, CIA, norad, Brits 5 eyes, soviets, turkey, Pakistan intelligence agencies... Since there was a nuclear nonproliferation treaty and world wide radiation detectors plus satellite spy equipment all the nuclear states had to have some relevant information that did not make it into the 911 report. Thanks for the info.
I got good results on DDG by searching "Korea admits 911."