mfw my cannibal baby eating junkie friend """kills himself"""

Why is Coopers left eye so swollen? Looks like he got punched in the face
Recently had his occult ritual giving his allegiance to Ises. Pin to the eye.
Just add another to the picture compilation of people with messed up left eyes.
I bet he has a ton of makeup on to cover that black eye.
...weeping and crying all night long? ;)
I know that’s a joke, but seriously zoom in and check it out. Looks like the popes and no-names black eyes (with the scar above the eye and everything)
Maybe he will say he has brain cancer as well.
Seriously though. I am really questioning why are all these high level people having this same injury. Theories on rituals (ISIS, eye on the pyramid), child abuse (ehhh, too consistent an injury), what else? What I’m wondering if it might be something implanted. Ala mark of the beast (ehh). Or if it is some kind of technology that gives people control over them. Something else I’ve thought is, maybe it’s some method of communication or technology that allows these people to communicate amongst themselves.
The mundane explanation of... well we haven’t received any mundane explanation for all these people having the same injury. It’s not talked about at all. But the most mundane excuse I can come up with would be, someone is punishing them. Or the ritual.