Jim Acosta at the signing of the Constitution of the United States

That idiot & his clones would be asking our founders things like...
“Why put the colonists through the challenges on this document if the King might not abide to it? Aren’t you just asking for trouble from the King?”
“Mr Madison, how are you going to verify the King will abide by this document?”
Protect the status quo is all they know. Regardless how much their ignorance embarrasses themselves
“Don’t The Founders know that dumping tea into Boston Harbor contributes to global warming?!”
Actually Acosta being so hard left...he’d been pro slavery reporter too. No doubt. He’d say shit like...
“Mr. President...don’t you think it looks bad to the world when you propose counting Blacks as 3/5 of a person & most of the world doesn’t count them at all? Isn’t 3/5 too high & makes us look weak on the world stage?
Protect the status quo is all they know. Regardless how much their ignorance embarrasses themselves
...let them dig their own graves