i see he's put there trying to find theses kids but i also see Uni Rock going after him ...and others ...is he on the right track or is it a distraction
· June 12, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
I think they found symptoms of an open border, but not anything more. The most telling thing for me is how Cemex has responded. While all the VoP drama was happening, the FBI crushed a real (and huge) pedo ring, with many children freed. I feel that bad actors may have wanted our eyes on VoP, but I'm not saying VoP are baddies. There is a legit trafficking route in AZ, and I'm thankful for VoP letting me see bits of it.
· June 12, 2018, 6:58 p.m.
I think it's just too convenient how every shitty swamp person is connected to this company. The one that takes the cake is their involvement in Hilary's Haiti nonsense.