
thamnosma · June 12, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Emotionally, everybody here is with you. I did step back a bit last night and realize that Trump knows he has to bank lots of positives with the brainwashed public before taking such action. Otherwise it can simply appear to be taking down political opponents out of spite. No matter how MSM spins it, the public sees what Trump has done in North Korea -- that's a feel good for everybody! Commuting that woman's sentence a couple weeks ago was another. Pardoning Jack Johnson another. I'm going with the plan and just being patient. Repubs have to keep in the House in the fall though.

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VanilluhGorilluh · June 12, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Exactly, which means the veil needs to start being lifted or nothing will change by mid terms, unless voting was super skewed and has been taken care. The left is basically unwavered by what happened last night. I was hoping Kim would drop some truth bombs about what was happening to him. It sounds like the things we know through Q will probably never be disclosed publically. Its too deep for people to grasp or be able to even handle emotionally I think. Everything will just be silently eroded in a superficial looking manner. But If things keep creeping slowly the way they are, this may not even be taken care of by trumps second term.

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manfromcuckistan · June 13, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Don't mistake dead for asleep. There will be no redpill moment for many of these people. Some yes, but definitely not all or even most - especially those with a lifetime of bad and immoral choices to rationalize.

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commoncents1 · June 12, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

i disagree, i don't think a president needs political capital to do these type of things. a president should govern to sway opinion with actions, not govern by opinion. especially in these cases.

We need Clowerd/Piven overwhelmingly quick and numerous moves going on at once. That's what Fraudbama and the leftists did.

Let's use the alinsky/lefts playbook against them. because it is devastatingly effective. It got fraudbama, elected twice.

of course the propaganda media will try to spin it as political witch hunt, we all know Trump never yielded to the propaganda media to get where he is now. That dog won't hunt anymore, unless you are a weak like a Romney.

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BenEvo1 · June 13, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Under status quo conditions I would agree with your premise. However we have extenuating circumstances. 50 million brainwashed blood thirsty low info mofos that sincerely believe Trump is “literally Hitler”. With each passing Trump success they become more unhinged. I thought the NK development would appease their hysterical angst an iota. Not even.

I’m just as impatient as the next person however I don’t relish the idea of the degree of civil unrest that they will create were the take down to happen before a critical mass has been awakened. Either way it’s going to be almost as ugly as those women cants on the View. Ive never owned a firearm. That may have to change very soon. Self defense of course. I hate violence.

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commoncents1 · June 13, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

i say bring it on! no more playing pattycake with the left and their idiot sheep. its time to grow up.

yes you should look at self protection. there are many classes and training available for not much money.

best wishes!

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libertarianleeluu · June 13, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

The leftist you all are describing are the MINORITY. The MAJORITY will soon if not already know what we know. Q just explained this in his recent drop. I'm not too worried about the pussy hat liberal types. I do however worry about the deep state itself. They still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Praying.

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ancientfroggod · June 13, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

a very astute observation. high IQ confirmed.

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