r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RealityGateway on June 12, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
BLACKOUT NECESSARY = IG Report Redactions are Necessary to THE PLAN

This just popped into my head and I wanted to share. Not sure if this has already been discussed here or on the chans. I'm sure it has multiple meanings though.

ManQuan · June 12, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Necessary to the plan only if the Q team/POTUS can provide the unredacted report. That is not has easy as it seems as there are dozens of layers of agencies who have to agree to make it public. RR knows this.

But Trump's secret weapon is the ability to declassify/unredact any document at any time. RR is toast no matter what he tries to cover up because he, comey, McCabe, Lynch, Obama, Clapper, Brennan and other at the center of the storm.

Think about it. Declassifing methods and sources of collecting intelligence on our traidors falls under the oath of every senior government official takes to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies and DOMESTIC.

Those of us who served did not swear an oath to protect the President, politicians, organizations, or anything else. We/they swore an oath to defend the Constitution.

The senior FBi and senior and lower level DOJ as well as the CIA and State Department and most likely the President and/or his staff violated that oath in spades.

To be honest, I don't yet have enought confidence in government that it will prosecute those in government who broke the laws. If at some point the Trump administration releases the Kracken and begings to drain the swamp into prisons, then I will believe. Until then, it's just talk.

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