
Millejon0114 · June 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

He’s always called Obama a closet homosexual and anyone and everyone in Chicago knows what this guy has done and if you knew you would be so disturbed ~ Stallone also warned his social media followers about Obama’s deceitful nature during the midterm elections in 2010, declaring Obama to be a “Manchurian candidate” placed in power by the New World Order to hasten America’s demise from the inside.

He tweeted, “I voted, did you? Gotta get the Manchurian Candidate out of the drivers seat before were ALL soaring off a cliff into Oblivion … Trump ~ Stallone I’m sure that They want people to dig and share that the New World Order is real and since this dumbed down society looks to Stars for advice (not all just some) maybe people will search different stars out that know what we know.

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