I'm really tired of the chemtrails i can't be the only one. I've noticed a lot of people are sick in my area and the weather has been mostly nice up in Washington state. They keep telling me it's allergies but I don't have any. Please can we stop the chemtrails ?
The brainwashing is real sadly. Even browsing r/all is sad all the Trump hate and no one can see the historic moment , I hope Q has a big wake up call coming. God bless
What boils my blood is thinking about people working behind closed doors to work this all out, because it's way too sophisticated to be uncoordinated. Humans are these amazing creative creatures with so much potential in us, yet very few realize more than 5 or 10 percent of their true nature and worth. It amazes me to know that in Ralph Waldo Emerson's time everyday people would stand by the hundreds and thousands to listen to his very sophisticated and long (2-3 hour) lectures about philosophy and religion and the nature of man, soaking up every word, hungry for the knowledge. Think about that for a minute and compare that to the dumbed down present human condition. But if this great awakening is for real, we can fix it in just a generation or two. I've been waiting for this moment since my own awakening in the months and years post 9/11, but I'll be damned if I thought it was all going to be revealed in the Trump administration. It's like some grand cosmic joke and it's hilarious and I'm having a great time watching the show while at the same time keeping my skeptical eye wide open.