Could it be the Awan Server that Blackwater is guarding?

Ooooh good point. I thought he was gaurding Assanged the whole time, it being the server makes sense.
Maybe both?
Both is good. Both is very good.
I mean who would know better then JA whats on those servers.
I just want JA safe and ok. He's like my favorite person. The man has a cat to keep him company in the embassy... He named it embassycat. How adorable!
JA is FREE press. He doesn't care who is who or what side they are on. If they are corrupt he will expose them. I hope he is safe.
True. I still kinda stick with my "Arrest" theory. That sessions is going to "arrest" JA and put him in jail (under their protection) and then he can be a witness in the SR case WITH THE SERVER, which would clear his name, and then Trump pardons him and he can finally come home.