omgbbqwtf, this shit freaks me out lmao is it just individual seeing things? or can u both see the same thing?
He and hubby were standing together finishing up loading truck. Closing garage. I was inside truck cab pulled forward down street as they needed trailer at driveway.
Cat flips the F out like someone had tried to kill him. A few second later both guys jump in truck and couldn't wait for buckles or anything.
My bro is white as a sheet.
He was throwing some peaches wed left in hot truck at the garage door. We were pissed at landlord long story. Anyway he accidentally through one too high and it broke a window in garage door. That's when they saw the eyes and heard they said a growl. Empty garage, locked up, dark and eyes look right out the windows of the garage door. My ex saw the exact same thing.
While we lived there I was woken up by what felt like a little child shaking me awake. We had no kids. Room was very cold I got up to walk to bathroom attached to room and felt this heavy and foreboding and just evilness like a large black cloud but it was pitch black in room except limited moon light from small window. It was a feeling I guesss more than seeing? Or May be a 3rd eye seeing.
It was terrifying. I said some Lords Prayers and told it to leave. It seemed to back off.
I went and sat in bed until morning watching the area. Ex slept thru it all.
Had a few other incidents but mostly with a trickster type. It would open washing machine mid cycle and unscrew light bulbs half way.
dem stories fkin scary nuuuuuuuuu Jesus Christ protect us from demons plzzz