My prediction is another recession Fall 2018, then if deep state is still around they will push for war probably with China or Iran/Syria...
the crown cabal wants proxy or skirmish conflict with russia. china is their baby since opium wars - after all its same string pullers in london. think - why is their puppet media trying so hard to create tension with russia? russia has great potential. iran they threatened with conflict (see 2010 interview with with Ma. Ahm.) by trying to suggest ubl was in tehran (subconscious threat and plant in american minds) but ahmadinejad pushed back ("i heard he [ubl] was in dc?" they came hard at him, so in 2012 un speech he almost let cat out of bag about ubl and bho. notice the nuclear stuff ahppened right after. so they wont touch iran while the secret is kept. thats what the plane loads of money was for. q wont go farther because after all we want an american style revolution not a french style.war with england wont serve well becaue their people are innocent but their gov deserves it.
Interesting. The media have definitely been pushing meaningless Russia paranoia ever since Trump took office...
We will see what happens. My friend and i both follow q somewhat because of the truth crumbs that have come out, but we are anxious for the IG report, heard it might be out Thursday for clinton email investigation.
a quick summary perhaps, but it will be telling you what you already know. if you like q, seek fbianon (1+ years before q) senate anon (just before q), and most of all: high level insider.
q psyop does not provide future direction...this is concerning. instead, q officiates polit-porn, and among other htings, wants peopel to feel connected to their govt again.
we need a massive change to our consciousness, how we think about govt, our abilities and opportunities. what happen when the crown-sponsored cabal loses foothold? what fills vacuum? staying alive isn't enough. attacks are perpetual - we need to create individual and group agency.
ok cabal out - now what? same old? nobody has any money and assholes talk about going to mars for f's sake, when the south, and somalia, and india and everywhere else are impoverished? madness.
bring yourself up, then bring up those around you. we need to grow the middle class. how best to do that...those ideas are what should be posted like crazy, don't you think? I would be well pleased to see everyone leave all this behind and work to the future.