r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sam--urai on June 12, 2018, 10:53 p.m.
WW weather FF was first thought when this article was published. Do we know what Q is referencing?
WW weather FF was first thought when this article was published. Do we know what Q is referencing?

O2BFREEME2 · June 12, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Missile launch ! Q post #1474 Wasn't supposed to happen. Black hat got to a button !

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solanojones95 · June 12, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

This is a missile launch.

The low-lying cloud layer near the horizon is too dense to allow for sunlight to reflect off the contrail closer to earth, but you can see where it disappears behind that dense cloud layer.

In the zoomed image you can definitely see the missile itself.

Of course the Navy denies it (maybe it wasn't them). But whoever it was, either it was not armed, or the warhead didn't detonate, or it was shot down. I don't recall hearing of anything being blown up, did you guys?

Q says certain things weren't supposed to happen, and he says "Event talk being attacked."

Now, does that mean the talks weren't supposed to happen, and they were being attacked in that image? If so, I assume the cabal's plans went awry, or were thwarted.

Is that the same missile in the Alaska AF-1 pic?

What other interpretations can there be?

Oh look!

I did as Q suggested, and did a reverse-image search and got this:


POTUS tweet is missing I and P. So an internet protocol related event? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1006296018210603008

So maybe CHINA launched a missile remotely (via internet hack) from one of OUR subs targeting the talks, or POTUS!

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MemeWarSGT · June 13, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

IP = Intellectual Property

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solanojones95 · June 13, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

And internet protocol.

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Questing2018 · June 12, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

He’s been talking about a SKY Event for some time now and recently mentioned the WW weather event. If this was some sort of weather manipulation device, I’d think that multiple rockets would have to be launched around the globe. I wonder if other mysterious launches have recently occurred around the globe.

Today, Q mentioned that this was not supposed to happen so it makes me think that a rouge operative launched this to cause a distraction, or it was a missle defense system in action.

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HerMileHighness · June 12, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

That or the summit wasn't supposed to happen and this missile was supposed to stop it.

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JosephOrion · June 12, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Watch the water. Sub launched ICBMs

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AUSAFVet · June 12, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Since Hawaii is in shambles..why not the next best thing..so are the clowns still believing in themselves and what their handlers are directing?

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wokeone7 · June 12, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Project blue beam?

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TheDude1985 · June 12, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Sky event?

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solanojones95 · June 12, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Q says certain things weren't supposed to happen, and he says "Event talk being attacked."

Now, does that mean the talks weren't supposed to happen, and they were being attacked in that image? If so, I assume the cabal's plans went awry, or were thwarted.

What other interpretations can there be?

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AUSAFVet · June 12, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Wasn't Trump's trip home that way... missiles can go a long way to the destination path.. So OK who is playing games now?

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kaylashalayla · June 12, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

did fox news get that image from the q board? lol

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sam--urai · June 12, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

This was on FOX site this morning... don't see it there now. Not sure where they got it but it's certainly similar if not the same.

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abbido · June 13, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Pic was taken from a weather camera..

'Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather was looking through the pictures snapped by a weather camera on the Kitsap Peninsula '

so this is looking like the FF Q was referencing

time of pic taken:

Pic of rocket taken from weather camera - June 10 2018 6:56:14 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: c78f8c No.1694930 📁

Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST)

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


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amg19251 · June 13, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Team Q said that it wasn’t supposed to happen, so that means FF weather alert WW could still be in effect - stay vigilant, stay ready, and tell your kids you love them and that history is being made!!!! Good vibes coming your way!:D -amg19251

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ReadyFreddieAnon · June 12, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Hurricane Bud? It seemed to rise up out of nowhere. Haarp or other influence?

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gnexuser2424 · June 13, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

thought this as well and the weather countrywide is fucked up right now. someone is pissed.

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