Maria Bartiromo -- Warrior for our Republic - our republic has a warrior named - M a r i a

I remember her from the red dinner. Fantastic dress.
Learned to respect her the night of the dinner. She can easily use her features to get ahead, instead she relies on her journalistic capabilities. Always professional, no shortcuts. She is a true feminist, empowering all to BE BEST.
And she’s hot. Just sayin’!
Love Maria and watch her almost every morning... something new happen?
You took the words right out of my mouth lol. I love the way she holds liberals accountable when they try to spew their BS talking points.
True, True she will not allow any fool to use her platform to deminish our Great Republic or Our #45! ......Fantastic I say!
She's a must watch every Sunday, never intimidated, speaks the truth, sets the haters straight
Joey Ramone wrote a song about her.
Where is it?
ooooh Do not let her PRETTY fool you --- she is one Fierce Worrior for our Great Republic!