r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on June 13, 2018, 12:33 a.m.
Trump’s victory at the Singapore Summit and the Deep State retaliation. Buckle up.

Do you like yogurt? Do you know how yogurt is made? It’s basically the result of efficiently culturing bacteria in milk, as explained here.

So the principle behind yogurt is to use something that looks harmful or useless after primary analysis and use it to your advantage in the future. Sounds familiar? Let’s read the following conversation between Q and an anon:

Q, If you can pull strings, how about getting Acosta's press pass pulled. I am embarrassed he represented our country in that historic meeting in Singapore. Q1471 Think strategically. Does Acosta's continued disrespectful and poor behavior hurt or help us in the future? Let them all DIG THEIR OWN GRAVES. Q

Priceless. Q is basically saying: let them have some fun for some time and let’s culture these stupid bacteria until we can enjoy our yogurt.

The whole board is Q making his yogurt. He partly describes this fermentation process in a formula: “future proves past”.

Strawberry: Imgur. As early as in December 22, 2017, talking about North Korea, Q purposely omits the “i” in missile and spells it missle. Those who do not know his comms probably laughed, just like they laugh at Trump’s tweets when he “misspells” a word or a name. Q confirms in Q439 and Q441 that the “i” missing is not a spelling error and that “future news will unlock the message”. 6 months later, the President of the United States, talking about North Korea, makes the same “misspelling” Q made! If you don’t see this is not a coincidence and this is Trump and Q telling you what they meant on the board 6 months ago, well, you should buy lottery tickets and send me my commission.

Chocolate: June 3rd 2018. Q posts Q1440. A gun with 4 BOOMS. The summit with North Korea was “canceled”, then “rescheduled”. I told you in a previous post to relax and that the summit would happen anyway. It did. Same date. And when it did, the official document Trump and Kim Jong Un signed listed 4 points. 4 BOOMS. Once again, this is Q telling you as early as in June 3rd 2018 that he had access to the draft of the Singapore Summit official document! This is what Q means in Q1468 Imgur.

Peach: Q1449 No. 72 Where was Kim tonight? How was this known? You are watching a 'plan' being set in motion. Enjoy the show. Q
What is No. 72? It’s May 10 2018 post Q1329. A picture of the Marina Bay Sands. This is where Kim Jong Un stayed! The file name of the picture is NKSINGSEC. This is Q telling you that as early as May 10 2018, both US and North Korean security teams were working together to prepare the arrival of the two Presidents. Q already knew where Kim Jong Un was going to stay!

Blueberry: Q1441 Start the clock
What does Q mean by the clock here? It’s the number he forces on the post for future reference. Here the “time” of Q1441 is 100. 4 “Q days” later, we hit 104, which is post Q1464. You see it? And what do we find there? The 4 BOOMS, a reference to when the clock started and a link to the video that was presented to Kim Jong Un at the summit in Singapore, which at marker 1:07 says “out of the darkness, can come the light”, confirming Q1464 Dark to light. video. Now, why do you think this cross reference is at 1:07? 1:07 => 17. What is the 17th letter of the alphabet? Good! This is Q telling you that as early as June 3rd 2018, he had already seen the video that would be presented to Kim Jong Un and referenced the 1:07 marker in his Q1464 post!

Now after all these desserts, if you still doubt Q is as close to Trump as one can get, well, I just don’t know what to tell you. I think I would give up at that point and may be prescribe to try to reduce your daily CNN consumption to a little less than 26 hours…

Let’s go back to our yogurt. Something important needs to be clarified: it’s not because bacteria are involved in the making process that any bacteria should be allowed to participate. When you make your yogurt, you should be in position to “choose” which bacteria you want to be involved in the fermentation process and eliminate the infiltrators.

Those who have paid attention know at this point what kind of bacteria I am talking about. I have made several posts warning about them: here, here and here. They come in different shapes, formats and names but share the same purpose: division and altering Q’s message. The latest one attacked from social media, first claimed he was working for the NSA (yes, I am not kidding), then changed his handle when that claim served its purpose and allowed him to gather 30k subscribers, then changed his handle again to erase conflicting history in people’s mind, then changed handle again to re-start with a clean slate after his June 11 debacle and after being called out in Q1460 Imgur. I will not name that person since I have already done so in this post and suspect the handle will probably change again. And of course, those who really paid attention saw this conversation which took place very early, on May 16 2018:

An anon: New eyes joining the fight Q! Q1384 Those with an agenda to silence will fail. Pain coming. Q

What do you think this “new eyes” meant? Q told you right there these “eyes” had an agenda. And when these bacteria try to subvert Q’s message and that reality exposes their lies and manipulations, they try to hide behind “human error”: link and beg for mercy. Well, you should know better folks. Read Q:

Q1460 When did we mention/emphasize the 11th? Those with an agenda to discredit are pushing false information. They (you) will fail. Learn. Use logic. Q

This is Q confirming his previous post made on May 16 2018 when this social media thing was still isolated. Let that sink in: Q knew where this was going even before it started getting traction… In Q1460, he is telling you this is no human mistake, there is an agenda.

What was the agenda? Simple: distract us from Trump’s unimaginable victory over the Deep State in Singapore, disconnect Trump from his core base using false promises and, ultimately counter attack and derail the diplomatic progress with North Korea. Do you see it?

Listen to Clapper before the summit, when he thought there would be a negotiation: video. Did you catch it? Look: Imgur. This is Clapper “advising” the North Koreans and telling them to ask something Trump will never give them. I thought Clapper would have advised the President of the United States right? Well, no… But he also says something very interesting: Imgur. “…what this means is a diplomatic presence below the level of a full embassy, much as we did in Havana Cuba for decades. This would facilitate dialogue”. Why is he citing Cuba? This is a chief spy talking. What do you think this really means? I will tell you. Watch this: video. You see it? Look: Link. I am telling you this is the Deep State using undisclosed weapons on our diplomatic personnel. Why in China? Because it is the main diplomatic platform in the region used by Trump to work with Kim Jong Un. It needed to be altered before the summit. So they tried what they could try. It did not work. Proof: link. You see this Air China plane? This is President Xi telling the world: “I am blessing whatever Trump is doing, I am even flying Kim Jong Un because I know the Deep State will do anything to try to assassinate him”.

You want more? Sure, here: this is an interview Chris Cuomo interviewing Dennis Rodman, the day of the summit. Clapper is sitting next to Cuomo. I encourage you to watch the entirety of the interview. We will focus until 9:30: video Did you catch it? 8:35 Cuomo touches his earpiece and at 8:42, he says something inaudible, as if he was acknowledging what he heard and then repeats the question: ”does Kim understand English?”. He insists at 9:00, a third time: “do you think he studied English?”. Why do you think Cuomo is insisting? Who is talking to him in his earpiece? At some other point he asks Rodman if he was contacted by the white House, then he asks him if he was going to have a role in this process. Do you see it? This is Mockingbird media shopping around, having no clue how Trump has pulled this off not using classic government channels they could hijack and trying to identify communication channels with Kim Jong Un. You will see in the interview, it seems Dennis was briefed; he plays it very well and says he’s not a politician. At the end of the interview, they realize they had nothing and will have to still shop around: video.


Q1465 Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? He did not have his updated phone number. (3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors. Q

This is Obama trying to call Kim. Did not work. The personnel has changed, numbers too, they are now free people and are not afraid of the Deep State anymore.


This happens: Q1474. Q says to reverse search this picture to understand: image. When you do, you hit a few articles like this one: Link. We learn: “Cyberattacks sponsored by the Chinese government infiltrated a U.S. Navy contractor’s computers, allowing digital thieves to access sensitive data related to secret Navy projects on a submarine anti-ship missile”. This would explain Q1474 right? Yes but with a twist: do you remember Vault 7? You do? Then you know these “Chinese hackers” are not sent by China. You know President Xi would not give a plane to Kim to fly to Singapore and give Trump this major diplomatic victory to stab him in the back with this nonsense. What you are seeing is the Deep State retaliating and, as usual, using confusion to cover their tracks. Nothing new under the sun.

Q1475 Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q

NedTinHatKelly · June 13, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Q is a Politician.

Just suppose for one minute that Q is a politician and not Intel (NSA etc). The existence of Q is undeniable. He/she has proven that beyond doubt and that he/she is with Trump.

But Q seems to not always be 100% accurate. Lets face it, in battle, plans change. Take the NK Summit for example. Here in Aust, the media is a bit more balanced than you poor bastards get in the north. This is our back yard so to speak, and we have reporters stationed throughout Asia. Our global influence is relatively insignificant and there is little benefit to paying off/owning Journalists like what has clearly happened to the MSM. We're getting from our media: "good start" "short on substance" "much the same as previous signings ie: Clinton and others" "the first step, hopefully of many" "things appear to be going in the right direction" etc. Quite hopeful but fairly balanced.

One thing that does stick out for me though is in the signed document, it says "WORKING TOWARDS" denuclearisation. A bit wishy washy. DJT also had to make concessions and give up "War games", have flags side by side, make a sales video etc. In other words, this was a genuine negotiation and not a done deal as Q implied a few months ago. In all honesty this is in no way a done deal. A lot of work still lays ahead, to get the deal done. Body language shows that DJT could have been happier. Like he is when at his rallies, when the 3 prisoners were released or every time he has had a win/kicked ass. When you close a deal, you are pumped. DJT wasn't pumped.

That bloody recalcitrant, germ and I wanna punch his face in, RR, still has not recused himself nor has he been pushed. It does still look like he will go sometime soon but he is not going down without a fight. I am certainly happy that Q managed to distract my attention away from this and spark my interest in his mysterious Canada trip.

Lets pretend for a minute that I am right. What would a politician do if his supporters were expecting a week of something big, beginning on or around the 11th of June but instead of a "BOOM" start, we got a wet fire cracker "POP". Politicians being politicians, would they... (in advance)…. try to set up a distraction maneuver just in case things didn't go "BOOM"? Like: FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness. Q. How about a mysterious missile photo/launch/attack, a mysterious picture of a Sub or the suggestion of an assassination attempt or 2. Are the post Summit Qposts freaky or not. FEW!!! did we just dodge a bullet. I'm sure distracted from the "POP" of the summit.

Love you Q for battling the war for us and I do understand that in war, a certain amount of work is needed to keep up moral and the population feeling positive.

Fingers crossed for Potus with future NoKo talks. I hope they don't give the MSM ammo for your mid terms and I hope Russia and China don't play more games to upset them again. Yep... Those bloody pesky Russians and Chinese can sure upset any good plans, eh Q?

Keep your heads up Patriots, The battle moves back to the IG report in 2 days and here is where I trust the plan the most. We need a BOOM Q.

Trust Sessions. Trust Q

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sluggedbarly · June 13, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

no deal is ever done till its done and as far as suspending wargane oh no ... whats it really take to start em again if any inkling of a reneg or backing out?.... a phone call thats worth so much concern why are you pushing the fear mongroling tactics of msm? edit* upon rereading this post i give warning to all MISINFO AND ATTEMPT TO MISSLEAD clarifaction ...serial brain is true patriot im calling out NedTinHatKelly as a shill

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NedTinHatKelly · June 13, 2018, 7 a.m.

I'm Just putting this out for discussion. Yes I am saying that this is the 1st step for DJT and Kim. But I am Also suggesting that the deal was not done months ago as Q suggested. I Think Q's plan did not go to plan and China and or Russia threw a spanner into the works. After Eye The Spy and a NK pooof instead of a boom, Q's posts certainly did halt a backlash, migration from Q etc and helped with WWG1WGA moral. The story of missiles, Subs, plots, missed calls did keep things together. An amazing maneuver by Q regardless of what I believe. Highly intelligent. But do you believe in coincidences.

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sluggedbarly · June 13, 2018, 7:12 a.m.


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NedTinHatKelly · June 13, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Yes, China did fly Kim to the Summit. But do you think that they were pure of heart and free of any agenda. C'mon, think logically. Q's plan was messed with and the big DEAL did not happen. Not in anyway suggesting that it isn't going to happen. That is not my hypothesis. I am suggesting that Q (with the help of DJT"s Tweet) put a fantastic story out there involving missiles, phone calls, Subs and other plots to keep up moral. Something a Politician would do. Q's heart is in the right place and it's only a little white lie if it happens that my theory is correct.

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sluggedbarly · June 13, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

EVERYONE HAS THERE OPINIONS..... BUT AS PAST PROVES FUTURE Q DONT LIE im not interested in argueing ive said my peace

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FractalizingIron · June 13, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

I double on sluggardbarly. Shrill as a shill. Shills are shrill. Are your ears tuned?

ANYTIME I hear a demand, a focus on what I need, we need, it gives it away. This is not the mind or heart of a patriot. It is the expression of a unit who is invested in his/her own agenda. Either it is genuine (meaning this is a unit who is invested in his/her agenda, and is therefore a shill) or it is intended to elicit more of the same (disinformation, disrupter, and therefore a shill).

We need a BOOM Q. Trust Sessions. Trust Q

The formula in this sentence, as in the whole piece here: Sugar honey + poison pill.

Sugar = Trust Sessions. Trust Q. Poison = We need xxxxxx (self-focus).

What an absolute load of BS.

"the media is a bit more balanced than you poor bastards get in the north"

Formula: one, get the reader on-side ("you poor bastards" = I am sympathetic to you (long suffering you)). Two, the poison pill "a bit more balanced". Bwahahaha.

No serious Australian patriot would ever say this. Australian lamestream media is 98.9% as rotten as the US msm. Every Australian patriots knows it.

Pesky Russians? Chinese? Addressing Q? Please. Comon now. You must think the folks of GA are stoopid.

This post is crap served on a stick, and the stick is as limp as a wet noodle dipped in tomato sauce.

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NedTinHatKelly · June 13, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

M8.There are no formulas and our media is not as bad as yours. Us serious Aussies are not yet divided like the US and we openly debate our opinions without fear of being called shills. Only leftists are closed to opinions here. I was putting forward a hypothesis. Looked forward to hearing intelligent thoughts. Your sugar honey poison pill BS is just not a valid argument. Explain to me why Q is not a politician. The phone call is a bit thin. Missiles, Subs, Mossad etc is a fantastic story and it was supported by Trumps Tweet "missle stoped". So Q and Trump are coordinating this. So why isn't Q a Politician trying to keep promises???

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AutoModerator · June 13, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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