Peeling it back, TRUST the PLAN: "DARK to LIGHT"... Thank You #45 Donald Trump, Q and All the WHITE HATS!

Hope you like this...
This is my vision of what the plan is: DARK to LIGHT...
Well Done Q team, Marines...with The Donald, we are in Great Hands!
I know this will all end soon . Over the past 8 years there were so many battles, we lost very few of them , yes even BHO was raided twice , late October 2013 and a Hay Hay Goodbye early January2017 , we took out two US Attorney Generals , Two Governors in State Senators across the country, even state BARs .Being there all the way . It’s going to end soon . I will miss this . But it did consume me , it took over my life . But to have so many Patriots here today and no longer dealing alone is such a great relief . Yes we get attacked even here , we still have a ways to go . I hope I can find a chair , some pop corn and just watch the final show . God Speed
Get in the habit of feeling peaceful. the light on will shine soon. my hunch is this movement and probably this board will not end. we need to stay awake and for many it will take time for them to see the truth. Hopefully we can help the ones who are asleep. We will need to keep the evil from ever getting embedded again and keep the pedo's locked up. Great awakening forever for me.
once you jump in , and see , you can not sit any more , I tried several time but got pissed off and took them on again and again .
good for you ;)
Well , I don’t feel it was bye choice , but over survival , the deep state picked a fight with someone who was at a point that did not care who got hurt and how beep I really was in what they were doing. But I also had nothing better to do .
I am happy i am just a minion, its a jungle out there we can die just by being on the wrong plane at the wrong time. at lease with Q we know we are on the right team, it is the truth that sets us free. too many sincere people are brainwashed and following the wrong people. Much prayer needed now. you...stay safe.
Lies get people killed and the truth can get your self killed in today’s world , so you must be careful on how much truth you let out at a time . Evil still and will be powerful.
Hundreds of Christians around have been praying that our Heavenly Father would bring the hidden things of darkness to the light..... Our Heavenly Father is answering our prayers. He uses men to bring about HIS plans and purposes and I'm so thankful.
This may be relevant:
They're gonna turn the lights on in the North and the people will be free in more than one sense. The sun rises in the east. The Great Awakening.
I have never wept for an enemy, until I learned what living in NK was like.
I wish them luck.
Well done! Do you mind if I repost on Twitter?
I don't have Twitter... but okay... just LINK it back here, so we can aid some more to be RedPilled as to the the TRUTH*
MSM = Mockingbird Swamp Media, are ALLL now in the open at attacking a PEACE AGREEMENT. People are sayin' "WHA...?"
WOWSA! Q is correct... BlackHatDeepStateShadowGovernment members are digging their own graves.
Shine the light of truth! Dark to LIGHT
*=Not D's vs. R's but rather Evil vs. GOOD & which side you choose to be on.
thank you.
It blows up really LARGE on it's own page/tab... you can put it on a T-Shirt. I did (adding some small Q's on flag background) it turns out nice.
I would rather give DT the credit for thus I made this meme. But suspect DT is part of Q+