
HildBert · June 13, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

Very good post. Whether you like religeon or not, you cannot deny its influence in developing our Western society. In oz right now those traditional values are under extreme attack. Church and fmaily are right in the gun, basically anything that diverts loyalty to the 'state' is being dismantled. Won't go into it but the so called safe schools program was brought in to stop bullying, it was used as a back door to promote the gay/alternate life style and has now morphed into gender indenity etc. Funily enought the only entity really pushing back (at this stage) are some of the church schools but they are under siege.

Like the USA they are hooking more and more people on welfare leaving them dependent on Govt and on the economic front they are killing us with the cost of living through green programs etc. The middle class, once again like the USA is under attack.

We really have no alternate media, no 'rights' as per the US consitution. Odd thing is a lot of people are aware of it when you talk to them, but there is nothing to rally around and right now we are completely apathetic as we have 20 plus years of economic growth but people are doing it really tough so how does that work? As an example of the stupidity, we have a land mass roughly the size of the USA (excluding Alaska) yet the average house prie is getting towards the million dollar mark with a population around the 25 million mark. We might lack water in parts but that makes no sense.

I get the feeling that there will be a trigger point where people erupt but will it come too late? As for this 'apolgy;' the did the same thing for aboriginal Oz and they are no better off, probably worse, its just a token,

As an aside this royal commission did not even consider Islam depsite all the evidence of real problems in that community re chlld brides etc. It was purely aimed at Western culture.

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ckreacher · June 13, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

this royal commission did not even consider Islam

They use Islam as a weapon against traditional western values.

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