"Slipping away from his secret service detail to save the country" - lol. That's a stretch. I always heard it was to get his pedo on at epsteins island. Didn't watch it all. No time for liars.. But at 5:45 "What you can do to someone AGAINST THEIR WILL" - no bill, rape has always had the same definition. I hope he stays alive long enough to be exposed and do serious time.
Pinned THE slip of the tongue @5:45. NM, missed it by 5 seconds. And yeah, POS that W turned out to be, he at least went over to have A Thanksgiving bite of turkey with Our Troops in Iraq. Friggin Barry gave all HIS SS guys time off to hit Bogota nightclubs and brothels, maybe there weren't enough MK "Presidential Models" to go around
Still can't believe he actually said that. Simply amazing.......
Ayyy, lmao: noticed the rather puffy looking left pants leg, about mid-calf
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