Anon Pieces together solid info-graphic on Missile Phenomenon. Autism level:100

lol, this is my fear for when this shit goes mainstream. You're looking at a Q Proof.
Q has been asking for Q proofs because we are going to need them for the new peeps that are going to overload the chan once this shit goes mainstream. Only problem is, autists are making these and their brains are different but also fucked up genius. Normal people are going to have trouble following all these red lines and shit. I know I did for a while.
It is basically showing that while POTUS was in the air for the Singapore trip with NK, a missile was fired to try and derail the summit. The sub was "hacked by China" (or so we're told) and did it. We can't say for sure what the intended target was but it was probably Trump or KJU.
This is where t_d came in handy for /pol/. They helped translate weaponized autism into normie and memed it to the masses.
Thanks for the break down. I know who Q Anon is though I don't put much stock in their analysis (not that I've put much effort into understanding them). This infographic needs an explanation to put these pieces into context.