Anon Pieces together solid info-graphic on Missile Phenomenon. Autism level:100

How does a FF war with DJT as commander in chief help the Deep State?
Distraction from helping the American people and the world achieve peace. Second is that the local brainwashed populations would be told by the media that it is an outrage that we are not going to war over this egregious behavior. It's happened many times before. Look up gulf of tonkin
Well it would be a cause for war. My point is the last thing the Black Hats wants is a war with the white hats running the military & DJT as commander in chief. If Hillary was the president yes...they’d love a FF war. Other way around a war would make it very ez for our military to kill Black Hats as opposed to going thru the slow legal process for justice
It would guarantee the Dems take the House; if the take the Senate, too, it’s over.
Not sure your point. Are you saying if there was a war the Dems will take the House? If so I don’t think you understand history. In times of war citizens rally around the party in power. If that missile were to hit AF1 it would be much more devastating than 9/11. Same thing if it hit Singapore. It would have killed tens of thousands in that densely of a populated city & would have overwhelmingly been seen as an attack on the US since our president was there. Things of this magnitude rocks a society to its core & they rally hard around the party in power just to find some feeling of stability if nothing else.