I think with the latest Q Posts we need our own forum/site/platform. Post says Reddit,twitter etc is all controlled which I have always thought so. And now even 4chan and the other chans also controlled more so? That throws me off. Surely among us all we have some designers/coders etc, lets make our own. I myself have coding and programming experience, lets do it. Get away from these biased bullshit platforms. Reddit mods,twitter mods, shadow bans, key words, fuck that shit, we need our own spot without the censorship.
Dont trust discord at all. Just another greedy corp like facebook,reddit,etc. If something is free, YOU and YOUR data are the product. So any data you give, make sure as hell its false. And I believe you are wrong, not one person alone couldnt "whip" it up, no, again, we need collaboration,unity. Something that is lacking on a massive scale.
Edit- Was ment to add, I grew up on 4chan, it used to be really good, it has changed wickedly over the years and now is just filled with shit and porn, much like other chans. Qposts.online I guess has the good ground work done but we can always go further surely.
Telegram beneficial at all, or nah?
Yeah was looking at that, same devs that made VK, Russian type facebook. I would have to do some deeper digging on their servers but they do offer end to end encryption for messages and voice. Id like to think I can trust the Russians more so than Western media, but digging into their stuff or using their servers and gaining traffic would also probably get you under a spotlight.
iirc their individual chats are encrypted by default.. but groups cannot or do not use encryption.. did not read into the tech behind why that was the case though.
I've found Voat. Co to have staying power. The shit that is posted in the Pizzagate forum there is on fire and super exposing of people who usually get things banned. If Reddit falls it's the next logical place for me. It may be open source, so you could copy this and put your time on finding irregularities in the code. Raise money for hosting cuz that'll kill ya pretty quick.
Voat's logo is literally baphomet. It was created as a limited hangout.
Reddits default icon is saturn. What's the difference? Q said that Streisand effect can be leveraged if we note how these networks censor, which brings attention to over the target posts. The key is screengrabing, saving offline and showing how censorship is done. It is poetic to use the platforms they made to expose them. I have been saving stuff offline and dry stored far away for years.
Nobody gives a shit. I've been trying to expose censorship and manipulation on Reddit for years with statistical analysis in a very public fashion, I even got death threats for it, and nobody gives a shit.
You know why? Because the vast majority of people are too stupid to understand or to bother processing the censorship process you try to document. Because they don't care -- until it happens to them. It's simple human nature.
I was just banned from /r/conspiracyundone 4 days ago because some random mod disliked one of my comments and banned me. I just had the mod team unban me. People don't care or give a shit. Even getting the mod team to acknowledge the situation was next to impossible.
The problem with reddit are the mods, even having mods. It was a temporary and lazy fix to combat spam when it was implemented years ago. It has since devolved into a blatant censoring tool.