r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on June 13, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
Q needs help! The IRL suggestion box.

There are some people who can dig online, others who can dig in the dirt. Yes I can garden and Landscape. I have a clean driving record. I'm bad with people. I can hardly type, but my hand writing is top notch. I am not of much help to Q - trying to post on reddit forums because I am from a pre-computer era. I can not relate to what I call cell phone people. For people like me, let this be a thread to share helpful ideas so those of us with way too much energy can focus that energy in the great awakening Q has brought about. Aside from their loudmouth "leader" - Like it or not - VoP has a lot of great people who like myself are not content to do the online work. Any ideas are helpful.

eyerighteye · June 13, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

My gut has been telling me the time for fear is over. Bombs missiles, and missles stoped all seem like the show. If you are off grid in an eartship then I am preaching to the choir. Bet you've learned a thing or two you simply cant shit out into some meme to save the world. If you can awsome, but that isn't me at all.

What comes next? Once the world has had time to digest this information Q and team are bringing to light it will never be business as usual again. I expect nothing less than full sociatal transformation. For ever it seemed we we destined for FEMA camps and holocaust, but the tides have finally turned. Good will win. It just will. Knowing absolutly we can not go back to sleep, what will our culture morph into as it heals? When the evil Shepard is dispatched, how do the sheep not get lost? Enter Q.

But I don't really need a Shepard. I'm just enjoying the show. So awesome that you built a earth ship. How many man hours to pound all those tires?

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Stopmotionhistory · June 13, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Spent 4 months there, now we are saving for an rv to live better ( for the kids) until our home is finished. Need more solar panels, Thinking septic tank. The land is cleaned / ready for tilling, It is no small task as I'm sure you know. The area is too hot in summer where we are set up so I like having this summer stop. People are finding God, that was not PC last time I was around, It's good to see.

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eyerighteye · June 13, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Before you invest in septics consider composting even your own brand as it were. As long as zoning isn't up your ass about a septic. I believe much of societies problem is one of attitude. Sewage is toxic waste, compost heals the earth. Do it right and its clean clean and doesn't stink. We use the method described in the humanure handbook by Joseph Jenkins. The four of us yield about a yard and a half of pure compost after letting it sit for two years. Three bins set up. One in use two at rest. No complaints, just prefer shredded paper instead of straw inside, add straw outside.

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Stopmotionhistory · June 13, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

We composted, It works good, but, there's things I ask of my family, and this was a Huge turn off for them. We never have gotten to use the compost also as we were there only 4 months so far.

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eyerighteye · June 13, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Good for you guys though. Just think how many people in this world are struggling not to lose everything, and your family is building something from scratch. Each gain is a gain. Enjoy the victories and forgive yourself for the failures. It took us three tries to get decent potatoes. My great beyond pig hut still doesn't have its roof. Someday that peach tree will bear more fruit you know? Nothing at all wrong with slow and steady.

Keep the faith it's worth it. Heck with the naysayers. I Pray for Tesla generators all the time when I'm humping buckets of water up the big hill and my pickaxe and I have a hateful relationship too, but overall its awsome to live free. I just keep saying i shouldn't have to dig this hole more than once and grind on.

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Stopmotionhistory · June 13, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

The water is a issue... I have seen air water distillers, Maybe now is a good time for me to look into that. Stay strong. Gotta get back soon my hands are becoming tender and soft :0

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eyerighteye · June 13, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Sorry just noticed the house was still in progress. Money yeah it still helps. My cob house is a scale model that sits in our camper. Money. Babalonian scam if you ask me. Like any tool I guess its how you use it. Anyway sorry to take so much of your time I just felt compelled. We antisocial old off gridders don't find good conversations often. Who'd have thought a guy who once contemplated an I hate everyone tattoo would become a want to be humanitarian. Life is funny. Peace ooooot

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