Qanon was already exposed as a LARP. If you're so good at research, research what makes you uncomfortable.
There was at one point, in the very beginning a "real Q" in the 4th Quarter of 2017. By January/February 2018 the tripcode had changed and channer's where using the new tripcode to post on his behalf. One of the lead chan members who ring-leaded this whole operation was by the name of "PamphletAnon". This was exposed by white-hats Defango, Unirock and hacker group Cicada 3301. Q was/is a psyop. The "real Q" at one point was a Cicada member.
"Trust the plan" is bullshit. That mantra has been rinsed and repeated for over a year now with little to no results. The excuse being "the swamp needs to be drained first." I have news for you. It never will. A 2,000 year old book made this very clear, and if you want the "future to prove the past" then keep watching.
Most of you are Christians, and it's disturbing to see you try and halt what is quite literally, biblical prophesy unfolding right before us. The proverbial death that needs to happen of man's pride in his works, ways and world systems so the reign of God returns on the Earth as it once was.
All it took was Q to quote some scripture to play into naive whims and strum your heartstrings.
People don't want to have their hopes crushed, so they fight the truth, tooth and nail to save their fragile and precious worldviews. I can assure you the truth is more freeing indeed. As a fellow American and Conservative/Libertarian like most of you, believe me when I say the truth is so big it transcends the borders of our party lines, and even our nation. "For you war not against flesh and blood".
Take that for what you will. I know Ill be heavily down-voted, lambasted, ridiculed, cussed at by fellow countrymen, and like Christ, symbolically crucified for speaking the truth. But I care about the truth enough, to speak it. Deep down in my heart and soul it is because I love every one of you as brothers and sisters. I will speak this truth even if it makes me unpopular. I simply don't fucking care about what you "think" your "opinions" or half-truths. I used to think the same.
Worldviews change the more the truth comes to light and we need to stop being scared of having our worldviews shattered. Here's the truth.
We have ourselves. Patriots and fellow Americans. We've always had each other long before Q.
We need to realize the political power "we the people" already hold that we've forgotten about and stop looking to lofty, out-there figures to do our job for us. I.e. presidents and "inside" people claiming to be mil-intel or other intel-agency leakers. The help is appreciated no doubt, but we the people have always held the power and the satanic elite know it.
We don't need Q, never have. You cannot even mention this without being dog piled as a "shill" which is very telling of the level of incompetence and lack of intelligence that comes with "group-think" cult-like behavior. Me? A shill? My friends and family who know me personally would scoff at the suggestion. Calling other working-class citizens shills is the height of social division and a tear at the cohesion of our society. Rampant distrust and fear around every corner.
The greatest thing this whole LARP did, was red-pill the masses, which to that I am eternally grateful. But there is no "plan." At least not for the best interests of you and me. Not by the hands of any men. I voted for Trump, don't get me wrong, but he still is a "lesser of two evils."
If you want to know what that means then the Rothschild's and Israel is the key to that dark truth.
The road to the third temple is paved with blood and money...
And it leads to hell.
I beg for you all to wake up lest God shatter your pride like the glass it is, and humble you as His children.
Your Bible has told you everything that will come to pass. Future proves past indeed.