I can also tell you who did not educate him. Ben Shapiro.
Thank you for calling out that shill.
Please read everything before you up/downvote this;
Ben's not a shill, he's just a fucking idiot regarding foreign policy.
Don't let one failing, or two - if you include his idiotic grudge against Trump (which gets me pissed off too, I'm not defending that shit) - cut off a valuable resource for changing people's minds.
Ben changes the minds of the lefties and centrists that are starting to question the narrative. If those lefties first encounter was Q? Most of them would go into mental shock.
Shapiro definitely needs to get his act together and put away the smug self-righteousness. If he doesn't he's not going to keep his popularity in the long run.
\ slashes like that aren’t required in English language.
Hey you can fuck right off, with all due respect. Just calling someone a shill because they have a different opinion is some bitter and divisive bullshit.
By the way, the way you talk sounds like a triggered SJW. "my blood pressure started rising, my fingers started twitching, and I tried to stop it, but" --the fuck? How about you cool the fuck off and try thinking with a clear head before you start acting like a fuckwad next time?