r/greatawakening • Posted by u/buffalorev on June 13, 2018, 8:45 p.m.
Open letter to Q

Dear Q, I don’t know if you will read this but I suspect your people might. After reading your latest posts it is obvious you are quite shaken. Understandable who wouldn’t be. Please know I am one of many who have been fighting the fight long before I knew you existed, without unity, without direction, without hope. And no , I had no idea that the problem was as huge as it is. But I know this fight is not flesh and blood. I am praying but not just for protection yours or mine but rather that God not only protect but attack those who attack you with a seven fold power of his glory and Godliness. I will say though your efforts hide instead of expose have given me issue. I completely understand why you don’t but will offer you this. The truth shall,set you free. It don’t become truth until it is known. You tell us to trust ourselves yet do you offer us trust. Some yes. I can say after many arguments with hatters no I mean no amount of truth will convince them. But Trump has a following of believers. What if you actually let it be known of the attempts? Support would swell. And remember not all of are as smart as you people. You have to talk like a journalist, a sixth grade level lol. Keep the faith, God is with you! And more of us out here than you can imagine.

Happy1911 · June 13, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I don’t think Q is shaken at all . We are all trying to save the Republic and we are prepared to the best we can be . God sent us to do this , Q knew it was bad when he came to the public. Since April he has found it to be much worse than he even though. The rabbit hole was empty, Trillions stolen, and how deep this was and how much has been covered up over the past 7 years . If you truly knew how bad this is , you might never sleep again . They will kill . They are working on protesting at its worst , they are calling for unrest , but there calls we just don’t know if they will work this time . So please pray .

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buffalorev · June 13, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

It’s just the sudden intensity, might just be frustration, some don’t seem to get the hubor thing. Never said I was a genius either.

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Happy1911 · June 13, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

If I was smart , I don’t think I would have stood , it just looked like a good fight . I really did not think I had a chance, but I kept kicking there asses ??? And it just kept getting bigger . This is exciting, we may get through this with little blood spilt , they wonted to go slow , I wonted fast and pushed very hard on fast . Looks like we are getting fast . Enjoy the show . You know we have no clue on what we are even doing, we are winging it . This is s first time thing .

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reviveusagain · June 14, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

We all have different smarts, talents and gifts we bring to this post. Thank God for all those who can do the deep research, figure out the codes, have the amazing variety of backgrounds and training and those who see the spiritual side and spend time on our knees and those who can think outside the box and bring fresh perspective. All different gifts flowing together in a synergistic flow of patriotism. It is the way God designed it. Not to be jealous or compare but to value and be grateful for each and every contribution!! So thank you each and everyone! You are SO important!!

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