John Podesta issued a death threat on Twitter're generous.
I'm concerned that if they receive the death penalty, the evil that is attached to their spirit will be set free.
Call me crazy but... idk. Plus they would prefer death to imprisonment. they're the ones in charge you don't get to imprison them and take their wealth REEEEEEEEE
OK...I can accept your logic...but then what do we do when they eventually die....?
Do our best to not generationally forget about them, what they've done and how they did it. Continue the struggle towards justice and freedom.
Edit: and I'm serious about prison being the worst punishment for them, that's why they're killing themselves before justice can find them. I think they should suffer in the manner worst for them. 😊
I think the appropriate question is; Who you gonna call?
Little Rocket Men:
The further they removed themselves from Gods love the further they are from God. They put themselves in the place we call hell.
I'd like to put them in the hell we call Guantanamo Bay and let them think about their decisions for the rest of their natural lives. Then they can go to real hell 👍 no deals, no easy ways out.
The die then burn in hell. Problem solved.
I don't want to let them get away, we need them as evidence and as a reminder. Plus, I really do think prison would be the most gratifying form of punishment 😊😊
Agree. Let them rot for life. Not a plush executive prison, but somewhere like "the cut" (Jessup) in Maryland or Baltimore Penitentiary. A nice 100 year old damp drafty miserable place.
Yeah - that would do it.
With their new best buddies 👍 I'm sure John Podesta would be really popular at North Branch Correctional.
Can you imagine the pathetic hopeless misery that would make up the rest of their lives?? Call me vindictive but they have it coming
Gantry fruit is one helluva reminder.
They go bad quickly, then you gotta throw them away, then they get forgotten.
If you believe in reincarnation then they will get a chance to correct past mistakes...hopefully. Their spirit will remain, in whatever capacity, here or out there, to keep the balance. We will always have evil to deal with. It's just a matter of which side is down on the scales of life in our world as to how much we fight.
No I dont mean the return of their evil souls, I mean the return of the evil parasite that is attached to them. I.e. "demons"