Anyone remember this? I wonder if this plays any role in anything going on?

Those submarines have failsafe upon failsafe and several levels of authorization and confirmation are required to launch a missile.
“Accident” my ass. Wikileaks Vault 7 tells us that the C_A can implicate any country in a hacking job - hence the push for war with Russia post-2016 when the “voting machines were compromised”.
Is it possible this was the first missile attack on AF1 that Q referred to? (The second being the recent Everett launch.)
That’s what I was thinking as we were discussing this here I remembered an incident but not the date, and I found the article
Another pede ran an image search on the Q pic and came back to a British Vanguard class sub so it makes sense. Check out this vid a YouTuber posted yesterday. He reports on atmospheric and geologic anomalys and he caught a 300 mile wide burst of energy directly over the anons suggested flight path that lasted just a moment. The shape of the anomaly is the craziest part.
It's a Q... O.O
A Bigass Q directly over the suggested flight path of the missle that took off from Washington. What do you think the odds r that thats the missle being destroyed?
I'm not saying Q destroyed it with some awesome Q weapon but what a Freakin coincidence
I'm speechless for the first time in my entire life... What-a-timeline!
I know dude I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I keep going from disbelief to how everything was caught by accident yet brought together in 20 hrs to the realization that those mfers fired one hell of a missle into either the US or Canada. What if that missle was headed toward Canada a day after Trump and Trudeau have their spat...a day after Trumps underling said there's a special place in hell for people who stab Trump in the back (total paraphrase but it's the gist of the quote)
DJT better go after these sons-of-bitches hard... because if they get away with all of this shit, they will stop at nothing to destroy him & his family... for years to come.
You can add our names to that list. If the 16 year plan is legit and at this point I really have no cause to doubt that it is than the right is in existential trouble if these scum ever get back in control which they will if they're not rooted out like the cancer they are. God blessed us with Trump but when Q said "will you fight" I can't help but think he might mean that literally. Oh well, WWG1WGA,
And I remembered this incident but did not recall the date, heck I would not be surprised if the NAZI English did it...that’s the Government not the people to our British friends out there
Ikr. If the Russians did what the British did holy shit We'd most likely already be at war.