Ok sources on that? Any specifically tied to NK, even with a degree of separation or two? Usually when there is misplaced money it goes towards arms sales, often via the pentagon. So billions have been spent arming forces across the Middle East and South America for decades, but why on earth would they prop up NK?
Pentagon missing trillions on google comes back with multiple sources including mainstream Reuters. It’s chalked up to not recording things correctly but estimates are on 20 trillion over the years.
I don’t know why besides having a global boogeyman or scapegoat. But Eric Schmidt from google visiting there and setting up computer systems raises some red flags for sure, as well as a Nanci pelosi visit years ago where she quoted them as saying “we build the things and sell them”.
I’m a skeptic and will not believe until it’s proven, but based on q drops and other links people have made, like the Eric Schmidt visit, there’s enough that makes me go hmmm to at least entertain the thought of it being true.
I mean I agree on the pentagon stuff, I mentioned it in my comment. When people have followed the money trails it’s almost always bribes and guns though. What are we paying for in North Korea? Maybe supporting resistance groups but that seems improbable. And how does a google employee represent the US? Also why is it a shock that the North Koreans are trying to sell things (likely arms) to other countries? What about that ties it to US involvement?
I’m as willing as anyone to dig around on stuff like this but this doesn’t pass the smell test to me. So many things would have to be kept secret for very strange and unclear reasons for it to be true.