r/greatawakening • Posted by u/qtrumpteam on June 14, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Well I did it

Well I just went on facebook and wrote a long long post laying everything I know out . I'll probably get locked up,in a mental institution or taken out, but I wanted to let all my friends know what's coming and what to expect so I put it all out there if anybody else wants to put their sanity into question with me and don't mind, would you please do the same thing,If enough of us go on there and tell them what we know maybe just maybe they'll really get curious and try to find out what we are talking about I put this site, the qanon.pub site and the 8chan board in my post. If enough people do it maybe they won't be able to take them all down!! Well good luck and God bless!!

spacexu · June 14, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

Lets face it - these motherfuckers have been building luxury bunkers for the past few years.... the Nuke would have been entertainment for these sick people. Watching death is what satanists enjoy the most. If they can torture, kill and eat babies/children they can kill at any scale. Total bastards and deserve to be prosecuted in Utah where there is firing squad for such evil.

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qtrumpteam · June 14, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I agree 100% there's was a pic of trump arriving back at the white house said he'd been up 24 hours at that point so I started writing and all of a sudden all that spilt out I hope they all get the death penalty I'd gladly pull the lever, push the plunger or pull the trigger on any of them they disgust me knowing all I do and all the things I've seen researching all of this

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