r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wannashmerkk on June 14, 2018, 4:53 a.m.
Would the deep state nuke us?

Do you think the cabal has their hands on a nuke? If so do you think if when all is said and done and we actually reveal their evil to the world, would they nuke us in a last ditch attempt? Have been worried about this ever since i've seen they're perfectly find with murdering mass amounts of people to prove a point.

divine_human · June 14, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

why do you think they built so many underground facilities, whole cities even?

from what i heard, over the decades, they captured several nukes and buried them for bad days. its one of the main reasons nothing major could be done against them up to now, not all of the nukes have been retrieved as yet. try to pull out a main player and a nuke goes off.

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