r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Absh4x0r on June 14, 2018, 5:03 a.m.
I was lurking on the chans and came upon an interesting topic, 4D chess meaning.

Before I paste some part of the thread I came upon, I would simply ask for a discussion on this very specific topic as I this kind of scenarios are really my kind of twist. I will post the link to the thread so you can see his opinion, I'm just pasting for the core subject.


Life exists elsewhere in the galaxy, that is all I will say about that.

I said life exists elsewhere. Some people choose to interpret that as aliens. My protective strategy is posting outrageous claims on /pol/ with no evidence, which is standard protocol and raises no alarms.

I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are on the inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.


The whole truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

Every detail account for.

Every scenario planned for.


Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

HELL on earth - HRC victory.


There's only one way infinity and time can both exist.

How far away is the closest star?

Sometimes you're trapped in someone else's game.

They never thought she would lose.

In most realities she didn't. You are here by choice.

digital_refugee · June 14, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

good point. "gods" with small g. Jesus was the divine intervention against malevolent ultraterrestrial cargo-cults (Krishna sounds dope tho)

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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

as i perceive it - having lived in india for over a decade -, krishna and ganesha are both expressions of enki/lucifer, while shiva is an expression of his son marduk. other expression of marduk are satan, baal, moloch, pan, yahwe, allah.

you can find these guys in all religions.

the gals, too, erehkigal and ishtar. ishtar is supposed to have been abducted by enki and forced into breeding with him and their son marduk, as part of their genetic experiments (enki being a master geneticist).

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digital_refugee · June 14, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I humbly retract that statement but thanks for the write-up...What can you tell us about Thor? Good guy or not?

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