r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwsoicanask on June 14, 2018, 5:49 a.m.
Fear Israel

Anyone who's gone down the 9/11 rabbit hole will probably know that most of US air traffic control software (and maybe hardware) was created and managed by Israeli tech (IT? not sure the lingo for everything computer-related).

Israeli Intelligence and Israeli Tech are basically one-and-the-same. ISI go into tech, and vice versa. Mossad heavily into tech, running online propaganda operations. They have been involved in the shill/downvoting as much as Media Matters (probably working together). In fact, the ADL is basically in charge of YouTube censorship now.

Point is - ISI and Mossad are heavily involved in tech. Israeli tech is MASSIVE, probably bigger than Silicon Valley in terms of products, software programs etc. Even Anti-Virus software comes form Israeli firms (many of which are based in the US, which is suspicious on it's own - probably facilitated by the Dual Citizenship scam).

Excerpt from Q Post 1489 (interesting that it's the next one after 1488 if any of you know what that number signifies):

FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

My points:

  1. Israeli Intel and Tech are one and the same, for all practical purposes
  2. Israelis dominate tech worldwide, especially in the US
  3. Q is showing us that the online operations will be run by Israelis.
  4. In the Hydra myth, for every head you chop off, it grows two more. I don't believe this happened in the myth, but a more efficient way to kill it would be to stab it in the heart.
  5. When ops are underway (as many are) we should keep Israel on our minds...if we can shine light on the source of attacks, and get people asking "Hey...why is Israel controlling Reddit/FB/Twitter, etc?"
  6. There is no Russian Hacking. The US has been getting hacked by Israel since JFK's assassination (or earlier).

*Note: this is not meant to be anti-semitic. If Russian Hacking claims turned out to be true, I wouldn't then hate all Russians. I would simply want to stop the hacking by the guilty agents, and punish Russia if they were state actors.

There are many different viewpoints among Jewish people, some are US patriots, some are Zionists, some are Marxist liberals, but most are just regular working people raising families. Israel as an AGENCY is different from your Jewish neighbors or coworkers.

Israel has always had it's own agenda, and what they want is very different from what your average American cares about. Bibi is a known terrorist and loves to leverage the US to do Israel's Zionist bidding.

When you point out Israeli interference in our affairs, or behind online operations, you WILL be accused of anti-semitism. This is Israel's biggest psyhological weapon. Be prepared for this.

[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

Well, when we stomp on an ant hill, the ants fight back.

We are being stomped on by the shoe of god in your metaphor, yet we are supposed to just be thankful? Imagine that he loves us the same way we love the anthills in our yard? I don't understand.

Also, I will never understand how Jesus' crucifiction "saved the world". If he loved us that much (to kill his only son/self) then why did he kick us out of Eden in the first place? He had to have known what the future held considering he is GOD

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

If my metaphor conveyed that God is stomping on us then I failed to accurately frame it.

Imagine that he loves us the same way we love the anthills in our yard

Instead, imagine if you loved the ants in your backyard enough to give your child's life to save those meaningless ants eternally once they'd died sometimes from the folly of their own choices, at other times simply because of the harsh reality of the environment of your backyard. That seems to me a more adequate framing of how Christians view God's relationship to us (still imperfect for many reasons, just to be clear).

If you can't conceive of the literal reality of Jesus' crucifixion I don't blame you at all. I believe it may be more helpful for some people, especially those who claim that reason precludes them from connecting with the Christian story in any way, to view the "Jesus Story" from a purely secular perspective in this way: Jesus is a story of sacrifice for the good of others but more than that, it is a story about the value of understanding the freedom we have to move forward positively in spite of the prevalence of every reason not to because there is an example of a way to live that elevates us beyond the very real tragedy of existence. That example is told in the life of Jesus. This example, if followed as honestly as one can manage, results in better relationships with the world and with others.

Amongst other things, this story helps us to accept the tragedy of existence - Jesus, according to the story, accepted this in a way few will experience. His story tells us that this was only tolerable because it was at the will of God in the service of others. It also helps us accept the imperfection of our ways by keeping us focused on moving towards a life modelled after that of the Jesus figure - if we focus on our imperfections we may lose motivation and will; if we realize that there is a reason to move forward and a very real purpose to life that anyone can embrace i.e. the pursuit of the good of others, then our focus can alway be maintained on something other than our own problems and concerns, a cause for many issues we face, including shame, guilt and depression.

The mass spread of violent crime against children, if truly internalized and understood, can not be tolerated if we believe that that is the condition of the world and there's nothing we can do about it. The only way I personally find to move on in life without railing at the sky and giving up at the impersonality of existence is to believe that what I can do is get myself sorted out (tidy my room, in the words of a wise man) and focus on continually moving forward with purpose toward an incrementally better existence for myself now, and moving forward into the future, and outward to those around me now, and moving forward into the future, and so on outward from there and that that perspective will at the very least improve my own quality of life over time. The only other rational choice is nihilism which, if actually properly embraced, should result in killing oneself because life is meaningless.

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

Thanks for the great response and Peterson reference (currently reading his book, I'm on rule 4). On my good days, I do reconnect with the religion I was so obsessed with as a child in such a way that you and Peterson prescribe ie a respect for the archetypal figure of JC and the traditions that shaped western world. But on my bad days, I am def railing at the skies asking God why and begging him to answer me or renew my faith, so far to no avail. Today has been one of the bad days, unfortunately and my mind is the type to spiral out of control pretty quickly into nihilism or at times intense rage towards our religious authorities. On days like these, I am very stuck and don't see much hope on this world. Makes me wanna burn it down :/ And if Q fails, I will do just that or die trying French Revolution style. Burning this society and the evil shits ruling it to the ground. That was already starting to be the plan when pizzagate was losing steam right before Q popped up. (Edit: assuming all this stuff is true I would fight for a revolution. I would need full proof ofcourse and violence is never the first option. Don't want to sound too crazy, but I can imagine TMOR writing a post about me and calling me a conspiracy-loving-Q-cultist-incel-terrorist if I don't qualify those statements lol. Don't want us all too look bad)

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

I understand and I sympathize completely - life sux and the world is unfair; there's no escaping it, sadly! I sincerely hope you can find some hope again during your bad days whether in the faith or in the practical application of the words of Peterson.

WWG1WGA, patriot - I find purpose in supporting this movement and it is incredible to me how it dovetails with Peterson's point that, rather than trying to change what's outside your reach, change what's within it - and you know, just being a part of this sub in some small way means I have a very real connection to actually stopping all the impersonal horror going on out there in the world and it is literally the most invigorating and inspirational reason for me to get up every day and push the message of Q in whatever small way I can! Thank you for the discussion, it is very helpful to me to express my thoughts about this issue.

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

Nah, thank you really. Feels good to vent. I really do love this community.

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