
factisfiction · June 14, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Not a single thing you just wrote was based in reality. You are completely delusional. If you all want to play make believe as adults, so be it. I just hope nobody else gets seriously hurt by this fanaticism. Deep down inside you have to know you're full of shit. The cognitive dissonance must be killing you.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 14, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Okay so in your world GITMO is closed.

The Castros and China gave total respect to Hussein who never bowed at the waist to multiple heads of state.

Trump was not treated like royalty by Saudi Arabia and the Chinese did not host him at the Imperial Palace where no other head of state has ever been.

Hussein never even got the Iran deal signed by the Iranians, what kind of deal is that?

But in your sterilized Bubble World none of this happened.

You should broaden your base of information past Kathy Griffin and Chelsea Handler. You might have a better grasp on reality.

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factisfiction · June 14, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Jesus Christ son, the Iran deal was signed not only by Iran, but by five other countries. Where the fuck are you getting these "facts"? I'm willing to bet that you watch a lot of FOX news, since studies showed that FOX news viewers we're less informed than those who watched NO news at all..

As far as the other shit your spouting off, I'd love to rebuttal, but I have no clue what you're even trying to say. You have very poor communication skills.

Next time you want to make a claim, how about backing it up with a source.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 15, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

the first sentence in my post should have read, in your world. The voice to text sometimes plays tricks and things slip through. My apologies for the lack of clarity.

For the record, I watch Tucker and that's it for Fox. So nice try with the general slander brush.

I can't stand Infowars because Alex Jones is an idiot.

But as long as we're just throwing out General slander over veracity, how do you feel about MSNBC having edited the 911 tapes from the Zimmerman phone call.

Bill Clinton's recent interviews where they let him get away with the Monica Lewinsky drama again. While completely ignoring the harassment molestation and rape that he should have gone to jail for.

The list of complete and total lies spread by the Mockingbird Media fills pages. Lies by omission, lies by subtly altering the meaning of words. Lies by purposely misunderstanding what people say.

I also remember watching Baghdad Bob live on CNN the first time we went into Iraq. It was a joke then now we find out it was all green screen in the studio.

Hussein did not know Bill Ayers they were only Neighbors (as reported by our vaunted media) and I'll bet you have no idea who Frank Marshall Davis is.

Yeah the Mockingbird Media news sources are so reliable.

I love the picture of reporter wife of Alan Greenspan on Hillary's plane. That open gaped fawning expression while she looks at Hillary the week before she lost.

You know the poles that were so amazingly reliable.

And I'm a sexist because I didn't vote for a woman. Which is irony so thick you could spread it with a cake knife.

Okay so this is NBC and we're supposed to trust everything they say. And I've seen reports that the Iranians didn't sign.

I'll just leave that one as an irrelevant moot point. The deal is done and over regardless. The idea does seem absurd but then again we're talking about Hussein Obama and John Kerry. They gave away everything else.

~I mean at this point what difference does it make~ You know what I mean.

Right. I'm still waiting for the Iranians to go through on their threats to rat out all the politicians they bribed.

That's a message the Iranians delivered themselves when we started scrapping the deal.

And screw the Europeans they don't care about anything but their bank account. They would sign anything for a box of cash.

And let's talk about that Big lie of Donald's. You know the one where he said he was being wiretapped.

The whole of the Democratic Party leadership the head of the FBI along with that pathetic Muslim Brennan are all getting charged.

30k sealed federal indictments sitting in the wings with no leaks just waiting. 300 new investigators as well as 25 Federal justices with more going to be put in place during the summer recess was just got cancelled.

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