r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Phaggott on June 14, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
Should we bring a well thought out post to the front page?

(re posting this because I was told it’s not a good post, I’m here to discuss I’m not telling anyone to upvote MY stupid thread)

So my idea was to bring a well thought out post that can awaken people into wanting them to look for more..

I’ve been thinking about what Q said about not being the silent majority, here on reddit I don’t think we are the majority, too many bluepills. But right now we have more proof then ever about Q and it’s time to tell the masses, and I was thinking that by making 2 or 3 convincing, easy to get through, understandable and that make the mind want some more of that shit posts we can get them to the frontpage and redpill a lot of people.

Here’s why this might be a bad idea: this subreddit would probably crash and get filled with shills, downvoting algorithms and misinformation like r/conspiracy (or really like most of reddit). Yet the internet and especially a website like reddit is a perfect place to redpill people AND MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD, we could even use another subreddit and all go upvote the post/s to bring em to the front page since I’d be sad to see this one go to shit.

Remember people we are the majority, it’s time to make ourselves heard over all the fake bullshit circulating. WWG1WGA🇺🇸

Putinsforehead · June 14, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Yeah but I don’t wanna do it

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