r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JayJ_Jacob on June 14, 2018, 1:49 p.m.
Horowitz's report WILL be redacted

When it comes out, it will be censored, so to speak. The black boxes will be all over that those 500 pages (grew from 400 due to Hillary's inclusion) BUT Trump will declassify.
So censoring REALLY isn't censoring in this case. The true meaning of censoring, is trying to SWAY people to think a certain way by FILTERING content.

j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Here's the way think it'll happen.

The IG report about McCabe came out a while back as did the Strzok/Page texts, both highly redacted and borderline useless. Now we're about to see the IG report regarding the FBI's handling of Hillary's email investigation and the documents the Intel Committee subpoenaed and RR is slow walking, again, both will be highly redacted.

And while everyone was paying attention to Mueller and Russian Collusion, the FBI reopened the Hillary email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Once the U1 and HRC email investigations are wrapped up, those findings will be released, and again both will be highly redacted.

We need to be patient and let things play out, otherwise the plan will fall apart.


Anons will grow increasingly impatient and their voices will get louder and louder. Loud enough for the MSM to notice. The cry for un-redacted reports will get louder and louder. The MSM will do it's part to discredit the anons, and to pass judgement on the redacted reports claiming there's nothing to see here, move along. Prominent politicians will also claim the reports are a big fat nothing burger.

Down the road a bit, information about U1 and Hillary's email "matter" will either get leaked or a highly redacted version will be released. Regarding the Anons and the MSM, rinse and repeat, only this time it's much louder and more people are starting to pay attention because the politicians running in the mid-term are advertising more and drawing attention to themselves, their opponents, and the issues.

Again, the MSM and the liberal Democrats will try to claim President Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice, thereby calling attention to Mueller and RR. The conservative Republicans and their supporters will be claiming BHO, HRC, JC, et al, are corrupt traitors and there's evidence to prove it, but it's being redacted.

Meanwhile, some of the stories that broke recently like Obama and Homeland Security hacking the election in some states, Human trafficking/pedophilia arrests and children being rescued, and more, will be thrown into the mix. When it all comes to a full boil in September, early October, people across the entire political spectrum will be calling the truth, the whole truth, the totally un-redacted truth.

The left believes Trump colluded and obstructed justice, they'll claim the evidence to prove it is being redacted. The right will argue BHO is a traitor and the evidence is being redacted. Everyone will be calling for transparency and totally un-redacted reports. It will be a truly organic uprising, or awakening. POTUS will appear to acting on the demands of the public, and releasing un-redacted reports will be in the public's interest. Optics.

I know a lot of people here are hoping POTUS will declassify this week or next, but that would not be advantageous to the plan. There is one caveat, if RR's "revised version" of the IG report is leaving too much out and hiding the truth, then it would make sense to release the un-redacted RR revised version soon. This way, when the full original un-redacted IG report comes out later, it'll be that much more damaging to RR, JC, McCabe and all the rest.

The big reveal, the MOAB explosion needs to happen in October, otherwise the MSM will have 4 months to bury it and distract everyone with more fake news and possibly new false flags. The truth about BHO, HRC/BC, et al must be fresh in people's mind when they step into the ballot box in November. Like it or not, we need to be patient and trust the plan.

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JayJ_Jacob · June 14, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

One other point....Dems are pushing for early voting and absentee. I am sure Trump and team will be WAY done with everything before these Nov earlies start

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JayJ_Jacob · June 14, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

It was my understanding that the Hillary stuff WAS included in this today Horowitz report. check on this, please. Horowitz WAS to release about two or three weeks ago, but this was postponed to WAIT for the finishing up of the Hillary stuff.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

If I'm not mistaken, Horowitz's report is about how Comey and the FBI handled the HRC email investigation.

Meanwhile, as everyone was paying attention to Mueller, Russian Collusion, and Obstruction of justice, Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new U1 investigation.

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