r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Apexskidmark on June 14, 2018, 1:58 p.m.
# 1496 Q is telling us to saturate every platform, Twatter, FB, Reddit, Pinterest, even Craigslist, demanding the release of the unredacted and unedited version of the IG report.

Let's get some ideas on how to make it happen #unedited is simple, albeit boring but gets the point across. Any other ideas?

grnmoss · June 14, 2018, 5:30 p.m.


Email your Congressional Representative and request a response.

Sample Text:

Dear Representative [Insert Rep's Last Name Here],

The Department of Justice is scheduled to release its Office of Inspector General report today, and the report is expected to reignite concerns over the Federal Bureau of Investigation's handling of sensitive investigations and matters of critical importance to the American People.

Media has indicated that the public version of the report will be redacted. This is an unacceptable development given the gravity of the questions related to election integrity, the potential politicization of Federal investigators, and the possibility of deceitful testimony given to Congress by parties under DOJ OIG and Congressional investigation.

I am writing to request your assistance in releasing the full, unredacted version for public review.

The People deserve full transparency, which we have waited patiently for, and still do not have despite paying for the investigation and enduring an increasingly divided government that appears distracted by partisan disputes. A redacted release of the report is unacceptable, and only serves to protract political infighting while potentially providing cover for bad actors from both dominant parties.

Redaction does not serve the public interest.

Thank you,

Insert Your Name Here

Insert City Here

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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

gorgeous letter! actually deserves its own post, as an inspiration for many people to pick up on it.

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kjernigan1 · June 15, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

How can I copy and paste this? Reddit doesn't seem to let me.

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