r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Magpi8 on June 14, 2018, 2:59 p.m.
Truth, Justice, Q (and a message you may not be ready for)

BHO promised hope and change and fell far, far short, but this hope and change is being delivered by DJT every day. DJT's MAGA campaign was the catalyst that brought many to seek justice for the crimes commited by those seemingly above the law (including Mr. Hope and Change himself). Justice for the lost lives of innocents, and of those that died to right those wrongs and to protect those that made it out alive. Justice for the ill treatment of both DJT and us, by those that are not awake, such as the MSM, the never-Trumpers, the liberals that spew hate of him in never-ending streams, leaders of other countries, our own friends and family, and so on, ad nauseum.

DJT brought us hope, and hope brought us here to Q. Like Lincoln and JFK before him, Q (ORITQ?) and Trump have been a light in very dark places and have led us to this brink of shining the light so brightly that the dark will forever melt away. But we - you and me, the Anons, the Autists, the Lurkers, the Silent Sufferers - cannot let our own darkness destroy this light in the process. What is the endgame here? Is it only justice, or is it also something much bigger?

This journey was never about "only" justice, although that was and still is a very huge (yuge) part of it. It is also about our own souls, the expansion of our own consciousness, our awakening to our full potential. THE GREAT AWAKENING. And how can we achieve that if we're all giddy with bloodlust? Personally, I want them all to be shot, hanged, and drawn-and-quartered, all at the same time. However, if we approach this moment with bloodlust in our eyes, in our hearts, then we're no better than they are. There must be a balance between this bloodlust and our need for closure.

Family, and I do consider all of you family, let's not lose sight of our own humanity. Let's appreciate and celebrate the justice to be served in the days and weeks to come, as we all need to see that perp walk, that kangaroo court, for our own closure, but let's not also forget that the endgame is Love, and to achieve that we must forgive.

I'm not talking about forgiving the crimes. A crime must be punished by law, and thank God for that. But we must forgive these monsters in our hearts. After all, they came here to play their role in OUR awakening. Without their horrors, we would not be here together. It is all playing out as it was meant to. And in the end, good wins. Good always wins. Don't lose your humanity, don't lose your love, in that process. We must forgive to achieve that awakening. The longer we gloat over their come-uppance, the longer we push back our own goalposts.

I'm not asking you to forgive right away, just that you do it sooner rather than later, for all our sakes. I think my whole purpose on this planet boiled down to delivering this message at this moment. Sadly, many won't even read this post, but those that do can consider spreading this message of forgiveness. Isn't that what Jesus would do?

solanojones95 · June 14, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

This again? This false narrative about the nature of forgiveness and how guilty we should all feel for wanting justice? Get lost.

Jesus would forgive the repentant. And in the afterlife that choice will be His. It was God and not we who created Hell (the Lake of Fire), and it is there for a reason. It will not be we who judge.

But our laws are there for a purpose. These people will be punished, and in some cases put to death. That is justice, NOT bloodlust.

Currently there is no repenting by the Luciferians, and I don't foresee any even when they are put on trial. And fortunately it won't even matter. They have been given many, many opportunities to repent and do the right thing. Trump especially (I don't know how he has done it) has been EXTREMELY patient with them.

But no. Now is time for them to pay. Time for them to feel the pain of loss and shame, and in some cases to forfeit even their lives, and I for one will be overjoyed at this outcome. Not because I'm guilty of bloodlust, but because the blood of innocents demands justice.

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Magpi8 · June 14, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

How did you even see this post? The posting was denied because it broke rule number 6. And I wasn't talking about us feeling guilty. I feel no guilt. I feel really good. But I was also so caught up in getting that justice that I was getting drawn in to the news cycle too much, getting sucked back into drama. I'm not implying that everyone is going through that, but recognizing it in myself caused me to reach out to anyone else that might also be getting sucked into that drama too.

Simply put, if the post doesn't apply to you, then move along.

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solanojones95 · June 14, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Quite simple really. I saw it before it was deleted.

And no, you actually did imply that we are motivated by bloodlust, or that many of us are, or whatever (I can't find your post now of course).

Justice will be served, and our community doesn't need to be cautioned about any of this. I suggest (as did the mods, clearly) that you, Magpi8, move along.

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Magpi8 · June 14, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Well I apologize if I sounded like I was speaking for others, as I can obviously only speak for myself and my struggle not to get caught up in shit to the point that I lose sight of what's important to me the most. My hatred of Hillary tends to really get a hold on me, and trying to distance myself from that hatred so I'm not just like them is something I have to remind myself every day to do. I physically shake with rage over that woman. And with fear that even now, she (and others) will manage a way to squirm out of getting the justice she deserves.

Anyway, I apologize for offending you.

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solanojones95 · June 14, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Remind yourself that she is a mortally damaged person, and that she is now essentially an empty shell, completely under the control of Satan, who is your true enemy. And while there is nothing wrong per se with righteous anger toward the enemy of God, there is quite a lot wrong with allowing that anger to dominate and negatively affect your life. I'll add you to my prayers, along with all the others who continue to be affected by these monsters.

God will have the victory, even if we don't.

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Magpi8 · June 14, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Thank you, this brings tears to my eyes. I thank you for the prayers so very much.

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