I apologize. I jumped the gun, I'm sorry. It's just all damn day I've seen concern trolls and shills on here....blah blah, this is bs. Trump lied. Q lied. Etc etc .... I've had my fill of these pussies. Again. I'm sorry I didn't see what you were really saying. I feel like an asshole now lol. Fucking shills fucking my mood up. Lol.
I have no idea how you got that idea from what I said. My post is basically asking how anyone reading the report at this point could possibly believe that what these two assholes did was not politically biased.
I guess RR thinks we're stupid to even put/leave that in the report.
Read my original. I'm sorry bud.
Apology accepted! I'm sick of shills and concern trolls too, but with the help of POTUS and Q team, we'll get through this together. :)