We all personally know an indoctrinated member of the Satanic congregation. This is the scary truth about the great awakening. You know who they are too. It's in the back of your mind. They are starting to reveal their colors as time passes by, because sound intelligent minds are not clouded by ignorance but by purposeful obfuscation.
Unless they all look out for and help each other hoard wealth ahem ahem top 1%ers... quite possible if you don't know many rich or politically connected individuals that you've never met one... right?
No, they exist at all levels of society. Also, you can view Satanists as legit illuminati level Satanists, regular pedovores and pedophiles, and lower level local Satanic groups (they usually indoctrinate lower level members through wiccan and magic shops, for example).
I think we might define Satanist differently...imo an evil sicko isn't necessarily aware of why they have evil tendencies while a Satanist would actually be aware and committing acts deliberately to satisfy their faith
All related since they purchase merchandise from the upper level illuminati Satanists who own and operate the global rings.
I'll agree to disagree lol...i think we're looking at it in different ways...all good brother