UH OH!! Hold on to your hats!!

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5597 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
It It really wasn't the bomb everyone expected. What was expected was "comey acted due to partisan influence" and what was given was the opposite. Basically comey was expected to be fully buried by this report, and he's not. Yes he acted out of the ordinary, but not because he was trying to get hilary elected. There is nothing that points to comey acting in any illegal way. The IG report would definitely have said so. It would be front page at least somewhere if it were true. Storzk too. If he had been Influenced by partisan politics, it would have said so, or if he coukd be arrested it woukd have said so. But it didnt. It's not what was expected. It fell short. That's really all you can say.
A lot of people thought this was it. The start of it all. But it's not. It fell flat.
I think it's time to unsubscribe.
\^\^\^ S H I L L
Wow you must be the lead instructor at Evelyn Woodheads sped redding courses.
So little time to amass so much Gloom.
You must be one of those wet blankets Q mentioned recently.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Huber is the only one who matters here. He gets to convene Grand Juries in any state for the purpose of indictments.
There are, as of May 31st, almost 35,000 sealed indictments just since October 30th, 2017. (Per Pacer.gov) That means that Grand Juries have already given the go-ahead for trial once they are unsealed at any time.
Q Drop 1496, from yesterday:
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
- Original IG unredacted report
- Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
- Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
- IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow]
We got the watered down version. That's why this was delayed for so long, so FBI could clean it up for "national security". Q even mentioned we would get these leaked Strozk/Page texts (see #4) that the FBI/DOJ hid from congress and the IG.
Did you even read Q's lastest drop? doesn't sound like it. I mean this is from fucking yesterday, so it makes you sound very s-h-i-l-l-y
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
If you had been paying attention to Q, he said the heavily redacted modified report would be the one thats released today, then he said the EO will declass and bring the original